海面的不明物北極海域民眾發現一陀駝沉在海面的不明物, 有一點毛毛的, 似有機物, 令人很緊張, 找海巡人員, 官方人員 專家,來會勘, 初步判斷是油漬, 油船翻船的事件頻傳, 流到這裡所以成一團? 最後發現是海藻. 但是海藻從來不會在這裡這區塊, 緯度信用貸款出現, 出現也不見的是好事, 生態改變….. http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1911517,00.html?xid=newsletter-dailyMystery: Identifying the Great Blob of AlaskaBy Wesley Loy / Anchorage Saturday, Jul. 18, 2009An unknown 土地買賣blob floats in the Arctic Ocean off of Alaska 's North Slope .A group of hunters aboard a small boat out of the tiny Alaska village of Wainwright were the first to spot what would eventually be called "the blob." It was a seodark, floating mass stretching for miles through the Chukchi Sea , a frigid and relatively shallow expanse of Arctic Ocean water between Alaska 's northwest coast and the Russian Far East. The goo was fibrous, hairy. When it 澎湖民宿touched floating ice, it looked almost black. But what was it? An oil slick? Some sort of immense, amorphous organism adrift in some of the planet's most remote waters? Maybe a worrisome sign of global climate change? Or, as 酒店兼職folks wondered who followed from faraway via the internet, was it something insidious and, perhaps, even carnivorous like the man-eating jello from the old Steve McQueen movie that inspired the Alaska phenomenon's nickname? 租屋(Read Richard Corliss' review of The Thing, a sci-fi film set in the Arctic.)The hunters got word to the U.S. Coast Guard, which immediately sent two spill response experts to fly over the mass, which looked sort of rusty 酒店打工from the air. They also approached it by boat. The North Slope Borough, the local government for the vast and sparsely populated cap of Alaska , sent its own people out the main village of Barrow to have a look. They scooped up 房地產jars of the stuff for analysis in a state lab in Anchorage ."We responded as if it were an oil product," says Coast Guard Petty Officer Terry Hasenauer. "It was described to us as an oil-like substance, thick and lingering below 21世紀房屋仲介the surface of the water. Those characteristics can indicate heavy, degraded oil, maybe crude oil, or possibly an intermediate fuel oil." Meanwhile, the story spread over the internet like an oil-spill, giving lots of people a 商務中心queasy feeling.

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